Art Journaling: ONLINE

04/03/2020 06:30 PM - 08:00 PM ET


  • $10.00


Schenectady, NY


JOIN US! For our virtual version of this class!
All you need at home is:
Magazines, paper, glue stick or glue, markers/colored pencils, scissors and any other mixed media you might want to add.

You only need to register for each device (ie if multiple people want to join in on 1 computer, that is fine!)
Art journaling is a wonderful platform for self-expression, allowing you to explore your feelings within the pages of your very own personal journal. In this class you will keep a visual diary- recording your thoughts, memories, and emotions. Each week we will use different exercises to guide you on the path through your journey. You will be working on problem-solving, emotional conflicts, self-awareness, etc. using a variety of art mediums. Your art journal can remain personal or be shared with others in your life or within the classroom. It is the perfect way to reflect upon your week and begin the week.

Ages 14+
Cost is $10.00
Pre registration required
Zoom link will be emailed to participants approximately an hour before each class.