Teen Open Studio: SS

03/02/2021 03:30 PM - 05:00 PM ET


  • $5.00


Saratoga Springs, NY


This group will be meeting Tuesday at 3:30pm. We will focus on a different project each week, but individuals are welcome to work on their own works in progress as well!

Pre-registration recommended, drop ins welcome. 
Masks are required to be worn for entire duration of class. 

If you have questions or are interested in supporting this group in any way, please contact CREATE at createcommunitystudios@gmail.com, or Aili Lopez at (518) 888-4046.

****All CREATE programs and events will be held outside throughout the summer months as weather allows. Attendees (and parents) must wear masks upon arrival and departure and unless appropriately physically distant (6-ft apart). We will provide appropriately physically distant seating. For indoor programming, masks must be worn at all times while inside our studio space. Please only attend programs if you are symptom free. Please stay home if you are feeling sick. Hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol will be available at all programs, and must be used upon arrival. We will be minimizing sharing of art materials and provide individualized bins of materials at all classes. Please check in with CREATE instructor/volunteer upon arrival. We will ask attendee to full name and contact ph#. This is recommended practice so if there is a COVID case, we can alert DOH if necessary for contact tracing purposes. If you have traveled out of state to areas that have high COVID cases (AZ, FL, TX, CA, TN, OK, NV, NC, SC, UT, AL), please do not attend in-person programming. Please alert us if you or a member of your household become symptomatic so we can help keep our community safe. While we are doing everything in our power to keep our in-person programming safe and sanitary, you are assuming the risk of attending in-person programming. If you have additional questions about CREATE’s COVID Safety Pre-cautions, please contact Heather Hutchison, Executive Director at 518-348-9290.